Wednesday, 28 August 2013


Inspiration, motivation, and speech never have a designated day of the week.
So when I was invited by my best friend to come shoot at an event with these elements on a Sunday afternoon, I gladly and excitedly obliged.
The Power Talk Series, founded by Penuel Mlotshwa, had its inaugural session. The purpose of which was to kick start a movement between young, intelligent minds with a lot to say and discuss on a variety of topics and their aspects through video clips and public-speaking set-ups at various venues. As this initiative picks up momentum, it will eventually become primarily a Tony Gaskins-Lee Brown-esque motivational speaking platform, where young minds inspire other young minds through relating realities and experiences.
The inaugural theme was "Transformation".
Fitting, I'd say.

For more info, call 079 531 9597 or follow the Twitter hashtag #Penuel'sPowerTalkSeries

(For shoot enquiries: 4th EyE Photography:, IG/Twitter:@siwe_thusi)

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