-I was listening to a mix of rebellious converstaions this weekend and I remember a piece of writing I wrote in my varsity room in early second year. cringe. lol..still elements of truth in it:
"We are born into conformity and that's why it seems like such a normality.
Our parents raised us with it, in the desperate hope that we'll be acceptable within the standard of this world and its conventions. WhaAt???!!! I AM A STANDARD???...not a stand-OUT??
Conformity is a difficult and annoying fly to swat away. The very fact that we wake up and wear clothes means that we are conforming.
It's like we are honouring some sort of social contract and its rules... and if we dont then we won't be able to live with other people.
Now that we have freedoms (in many spheres of our lives) to choose, we don't. Steve Biko&Co blood-stained freedoms that we as ironically 'born-frees' are afraid to indulge in because it is that indulgence that may, no will, reveal our truths.
Truths that will be in conflict with our friends', parents', society as whole.
It is that freedom which truly allows us to evaluate ourselves. Self -evaluation is good. It is good for me sometimes during stagnant moments in this 'system' of going nowhere slowly. Stagnant as toes rooted down to the earth's firey core. Wouldnt that be hell...?
Change is difficult ball game all together. It is feared because it entails relaxing those boundaries to allow you to step out of that comfort zone. Conformity is comfort. People like comfort.
And change in its entirety...is not a comfortable process.
A comfort zone hinders growth, in the emotional, intellectual and spiritual sense, which is our purpose on the earth right? (to grow). I am still at this point in my life. I have actually had to detach myself from this place so that I can answer alot of my 'growth' questions. So the revolution that which is longed for, has to start with the detached individual.
By overstanding yourself, you can then lead (not dictate) by example.
So that when our children make their entrance into this life, this life of liberation will be the norm...and them, not prisoners of social bondage...but our stand-OUT successors."
The ramblings of a lickle second year...
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